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Golden Pitch/Owner Series featuring the Transbay Joint Powers Authority: Friday 7.22 - Register!

Join us for BuildOUT California’s Golden Pitch/Owner Series featuring the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) presenting key project updates on its Downtown Rail Extension (DTX) Project.

Friday, July 22, 2022

9:00am to 10:00am

Via Zoom


Presenters to include: Adam Van de Water, Executive Director of the TJPA and Alfonso Rodriguez, TJPA’s DTX Project Director.

In terms of background, in September 2014 the TJPA became the first public agency in the United States to convene an outreach event dedicated to engaging with the LGBT business community on a public works project. Over $15M in contracts with LGBT firms (awarded through the competitive bidding process) was generated as a result of that event and it laid the groundwork for the creation of BuildOUT California, the world’s largest industry association dedicated to LGBT/Allied businesses in A&E, Construction and Real Estate Development .

Fast forward to 2022…the approximately $5 Billion DTX project will extend Caltrain commuter rail from its current terminus at Fourth and King streets in San Francisco to the new Transit Center. It will also deliver the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s future high-speed rail service to the Transit Center.

The 1.3-mile rail extension (1.95 miles of total construction length) will be constructed principally below grade using cut-and-cover and mined tunneling methods underneath Townsend and Second Streets. The project includes an underground station at Fourth and Townsend streets, six structures for emergency exit, and ventilation along the alignment, utility relocation and rail systems work.

RSVP/REGISTER for this event here:


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