BuildOUT California Releases 2023 LGBT Business Enterprise Utilization Report Showcasing the Annual Spend by 28 California-Based Utilities with LGBT Owned/Certified Firms
In September 2014 Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1678 which opened the procurement pipeline for LGBT businesses with California-based Utilities who do in excess of $25 Million in annual revenues. Several BuildOUT California Founders were instrumental in the passage of this legislation.
Beginning in 2020 the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Joint Utilities and representatives from the LGBT business community began the formal process of establishing an aspirational LGBT utilization goal which culminated in an aspirational goal of 1.5% (which equates to roughly $600M) being set by a unanimous vote of the CPUC Commissioners in April of 2022.
Immediately below you will find the link to BuildOUT California’s 2023 LGBT Business Enterprise Utilization Report which pulls data from 2018 through 2023.
In addition, what follows below that link is a ‘digital archive’ of the letters of support from key elected officials from throughout California at the local, state and federal levels that joined with BuildOUT California for the adoption of an aspirational goal of 1.5%.
BuildOUT California is committed to the full realization of meeting the 1.5% utilization goal and we look forward to collaborating with ALL elements of the procurement pipeline to make it a reality. We call on the support from the ‘C-Suites’ of California-based Utilities to lend your strong voice to ensure your commitment to meeting the aspirational goal is achieved. Your voice will ensure that the thousands of decision makers in the procurement chain will hear the message that LGBT firms with the requisite experience, capacity and qualifications are welcome within your construction, commodities, design, Project, and Construction Management supply chains.
We invite everyone to read the report highlighted below and more importantly – please engage with us on all levels if you are a utility, a Tier One/Prime Contractor, an LGBT/Allied business who wishes to increase your competitive edge in competing for utility contracts, or an industry stakeholder.